Saturday, July 26, 2014

Just a farm girl at heart.

Moda just released this new group of fabrics that 
pulled at my heart . 
I hope it will make you smile too.

"Milk Cow Kitchen "

When I saw these milk cans with these fabrics 
I knew that we had to have them for the 
Calico House.

Long ago glass milk bottles had these little 
cardboard stoppers in them. 
Aren't they cute.

The cow faces and the kitchen utensils 
are fun. Are you getting inspired?

And just when you thought it couldn't get 
any better the pickup trucks steal your heart.

To see more about this fabric designer click on the
 link below 

The moo fabric is just so fun. You know you 
want some . 


1 comment:

  1. Too cute!! Love the cow faces and utensils and the MOO prints -- and the vibrant colors!!
